القائمة الرئيسية


En>Ara sentences for translation جمل للترجمة من الإنجليزية للعربية


جمل للترجمة من العربية للإنجليزية

ترجم ما يلي إلى اللغة العربية:

 1- The government carries out a lot of great projects, which aim at increasing production and raising the standard of living. 



2- The Egyptian government seeks to solve the two problems of housing and unemployment to achieve a better life for the coming generation (= posterity). 



3- The whole world should know that Egypt is a peace loving country and against terrorism. 



4- Getting out of the narrow valley and reclaiming the desert are our only hope for a better life for the coming generation. 



5-Tolerance creates an atmosphere of love and unity among the individuals of the same country 



6-We should bring up our children on good morals (ethics). 



7-The government must apply the principles upon which the revolution broke out such as freedom, justice and human dignity. 



8-Stability and security are two important factors to achieve a comprehensive economic renaissance. 



9-The Government encourages local industries in order to achieve self-sufficiency and dispense with imports from abroad that need hard currency.



10- The wheel of production will not spin and the economy will not flourish unless demonstrations and sit-ins that disrupt work stop. 



11- The media play an important role in forming opinion and effective awareness in our country. 



12- The Book Fair is held in Egypt every year where there are millions of books in various branches of science. 



13- Legal immigration is every citizen's right but illegal immigration exposes him to a lot of risks 



14- affected by the current events in the world greatlyTourism is 



15-The state always warns young people against illegal immigration to avoid risks(dangers) 



16-All heavenly (divine) religions call for love ,peace ,tolerance ,and rejecting violence. 



17-The atomic energy is a double-edged weapon. It is a blessing in time of peace and a disaster in time of war. 



18-The state pays great attention to sport as it believes that they are the best means to protect youth from deviation. 



19- Egypt is considered a first-class tourist country. It has fine weather both in summer and in winter. It has springs and sand that can help in curing some diseases, that is in addition to its wonderful monuments. 



20- The computer has become important in our modern life and its use has greatly grown in various fields. 



21- More efforts must be exerted to stamp out illiteracy which is considered an insult to our country. 



22- We cannot make real progress unless we use modern technology in all fields of production. 



23-Bird flu and swine flu infect people especially youngsters and holders of immunodeficiency. 



24-The government encourages the foreign investments in Egypt to provide job opportunities for thousands of graduates. 



25-Literature has a pioneering role in serving nation's cases. The writer doesn't isolate himself from his society 



26-Will and determination are two effective factors to achieve goals in life. 



27-Egypt should be built on the basis of freedom, justice and democracy 



28- When I woke up yesterday, my father had left for his office. 



29-Mountain climbing is more difficult than cycling, isn't it? 



30-We are going to the hospital tomorrow, where my grandmother will have a heart transplant operation. 



31-Is it possible for someone to climb Mount Everest easily nowadays? 



32- Our country exports a lot of good products abroad every year. 



33-Now I am doing a research about modern technology. 



34-I have never been to any foreign country in Europe or America before. 



35-When will the plane reach Rome; in the morning or evening? 



36-We all must co-operate together and be tolerant in order to lead a better life. 



37-Putting a lot of sugar, salt and fat in our food is bad for our health, isn't it? 



38-Feel yourself at home and help yourself to any food or hot drink you want. 



39-Lots of Africans starve because of shortage/lack of water and food and the spread of diseases.



40-The Egyptian economy has greatly improved in recent years. 



41-I advise you to always tell the truth and never tell lies. 



42-The problem of climate change and global warming is a major threat to the environment. 



43-All the information you need is available on the internet. 



44-You cannot drive without getting a driving license. 



45-I like reading stories more than watching films. 



46-I prefer reading stories to watching films. 



47-Don’t let failure affects your ambition 



48-It’s exciting to read science fiction 



49-It’s better to practise a useful hobby in your free time 



50-Can you deal with modern technology? 



51- We should cooperate with census researchers by giving them correct data.



52- To achieve your ambitions in life, you should have determination.



53- Thieves should always go to prison for their crimes.



54- Honest people should always be rewarded and honored.



55- We should play a positive role in solving society's problems.



56- Fifty years ago, our environment was much cleaner than today.



57- Dr Mostafa El-Sayed’s work is very useful in medicine.



58 At one o’clock yesterday, I was having my lunch.



59- We should protect the environment so that we can live in a clean world.



60- Fareeda stopped to talk to her friend on her way home.



61- People who can’t see or hear should learn to depend on themselves.



62 Sanitation is very important for leading a healthy life.



63-Pollution is one of the most serious problems that threaten our lives.



64-Everyone should express their opinions freely and respect the opinions of others.



65-Modern forms of communication play a vital role in our modern life.



66- Camping teaches us cooperation, discipline and self reliance



67-Many people can't express their feeling easily



68- Health is a splendid treasure and prevention is better than cure



69- the high cost of living is one of the most difficult problems the world faces.



70- hopes and ambitions are achieved by hard work and strong will not by dreams



71- Money is a means not an end because it is considered the root of all evils



72-Egypt will remain a civilization pioneering with its great people and history.



73-We should rationalize consumption in using water and electricity.



74-Developing education is one of the most important aims that the government seeks to achieve.



75-Governments should increase food production to put an end to starvation.



76-Children are fond of listening to fictional stories for entertainment.



77-chartiy organization can have a role in serving people completing tasks that government can't do



78-We all appreciate the profession of teaching because a good teacher builds a good citizen.



79-We should honour great writers and thinkers, especially those who have published distinguished works.



80- Scientific research is very important, as it paves the way towards a better life.




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